Full Service Catering

We offer Full Service Catering in or near Downey, CA for all special occasions. Includes chaffing dishes with fuel, plates, flatware, napkins, & serving utensils. A team of professional servers will ensure a memorable experience. Minimum of 20+ people is required.
Fill out the form and we will get back to you within a 24 hour period.



    Fields marked with an * are required

    Event Details

    Number of Guests *
    Event Duration *
    Service Type *

    Location & Information

    Delivery Address (If available)

    First Name *
    Email *

    Where Did You Hear About Us?

    Questions or Comments?

    Terms & Condition

    Prices & menu items are subject to change without notice. 1. Please allow for a window of 1/2 hour either way for delivery to allow for any unexpected travel or weather delays. Driver safety is our main concern. 2. A credit card is required at booking date unless prior credit card has been established with the restaurant. 3. A delivery charge may apply for any events beyond a 10 mile radius of Bastards. 4. All deliveries are subject to a 2% energy charge. 5. Full service catering are allocated 4 hours from start to finish. Meal services must fit within 2 hours. Servers are available for overtime at an additional charge.

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